Improving quality of life for 25k patients living with chronic conditions
My role
Product Design Lead
MVP workshop
Feature prioritization
Solution overview
Product design
Brand integration
Dev support
Sales prototype
VMS BioMarketing, the leading provider of patient engagement & adherence solutions, contracted with our Innovatemap team to deliver a best-in-class mobile app to improve a patients experience on this new journey in their lives.
Patient problems that drove my decision-making
Patients struggle to find and trust information about their drug
60% of patients delay start or abandon treatment, because drugs are expensive
Patient engagement calls are often for dosage and appointments, leaving less time for patients needing immediate care
Nursing staff is asked to do more with less, as product and patient counts grow
Our Hypothesis
If we can educate, teach, and create long-term relationships between a patient and their wellness journey, then more patients are likely to start treatment
Our work on Wellkind app was recognized as a 2022 Most Innovative Product by PM360 publication. Read about it!
Assortment of different product assets created during this project
What it means for VMW BioMarketing
VMS BioMarketing has begun onboarding 25k patients on to the product
reduced "simple" engagement call volume by ~5-10% freeing up more time for impactful calls with patients
Big thank you to the rest of the team
Spencer Abrams, PM
Parker McCullough, Brand
Kaylee Green, Brand
Yharlei Chamboneth, Motion
EIG, Engineering Firm
Additional process documents and deliverables